Thursday, March 11, 2010


A seemingly healthy and beautiful 21 year old woman died last week.  I teach one class a week in an Undergraduate Business program on Monday afternoons.  Her name was Monika and she was always in class early.  She was always prepared, talked rarely in class and sat near the door.  I could always count on Monika to close the door when class began.  She smiled, looked at me and did her job pleasantly and efficiently.

I did not know Monika well.  We spent a total of less than 13 hours together.  But because our class is relatively small, all of "my kids" are special to me, even the ones who do not come to class or who look at their smartphones all class.  But Monika was always there, earlier than most.

Monika was a senior, about to embark upon all of the excitement and unknown that newly minted graduates have to face.  She had a part time job in retail and was a bit of a fashionista.  Who knows what her life would have brought her.

But as the priest said so well at her dreadfully sad funeral, Monika's stay on this earth is over.  A brain aneurysm robbed her of her bright future.

And so, when we return in another week from Spring Break, Monika will not be there to greet me when I arrive early to set up the audio visual tools for my class.  Monika's quiet smile is gone.  Someone else will have to close that door.  Or maybe we will leave it open so that if Monika might want to join us, she can from wherever she is.

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